Determining thermal conductivity of lateritic ores from Hot-Ball method


  • Carlos Zalazar-Oliva Universidad de Moa
  • Ever Góngora-Leyva Universidad de Moa
  • Yoalbys Retirado-Mediaceja Universidad de Moa
  • Andrés Adrian Sánchez-Escalona Empresa Moa Nickel S.A. – Pedro Sotto Alba


thermal conductivity, lateritic ores, Hot-Ball method, mathematical modeling.


The thermal conductivity of lateritic ores was determined by using the transitory commonly known Hot- Ball method. An experimental facility was built and an experimental design was used for analyzing the property performance for three temperature values. It was obtained the thermal conductivity of lateritic reaches values from 1.5 to 3.5 W/ (m.k). An adjusted model of 0.98 correlations that estimates the thermal conductivity for the lateritic ores with temperature ranges of 40 °C to 70 °C was established.


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Author Biography

Carlos Zalazar-Oliva, Universidad de Moa

Profesor Asistente. Máster en Electromecánica. Centro de Estudio de Energía y Tecnología Avanzada de Moa. Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico. Moa, Holguín, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Zalazar-Oliva, C., Góngora-Leyva, E., Retirado-Mediaceja, Y., & Sánchez-Escalona, A. A. (2019). Determining thermal conductivity of lateritic ores from Hot-Ball method. Minería & Geología, 35(4), 419–429. Retrieved from

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