Changes in the geomorphology and littoral environment associated to dredged of seabed in Moa, Cuba


  • Yosbanis Cervantes-Guerra Instituto Superior Minero metalúrgico de Moa
  • Alina Rodríguez-Infante Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Allan Pierra-Conde Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas.
  • Yuri Almaguer-Carmenates Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
  • Hans-Jürgen Gusrky Universidad Técnica de Clausthal,


dredging, seabed, carbonated mud, Cayo Moa bay, coastal geomorphology, geodynamic processes, sedimentation.


Geomorphological and environmental modifications that originate the dredging of carbonated mud in Cayo Moa bay were analyzed. Bathymetric data of different dates (1972, 2001 and 2010) were compared to evaluate the geomorphological changes in the bottom of the bay; also were determined elements as Fe, Ca, K, Al and Si in sediment samples. The Ratio Matching method was applied to determine the predominant orientation of the flows and their possible nexus with the background transformations. It was verified that dredging transforms the sedimentation medium into its geometry, the available sedimentary load and the energy involved in the sedimentation process. From the ecological point of view, dredging in the Cayo Moa bay of has contributed to the deterioration of life forms, impacting the marine environment through the increase of suspended and dissolved solids, changes in the morphology of the bottom, erosive and sedimentary dynamics and the loss of natural structure and floristic biodiversity in areas affected by extraction.


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Author Biographies

Alina Rodríguez-Infante, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Doctora en Ciencias Geológicas. Profesora Titular.

Allan Pierra-Conde, Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas.

Doctor en Ciencias Químicas. Profesor Titular.

Yuri Almaguer-Carmenates, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Doctor en Ciencias Geológicas.

Hans-Jürgen Gusrky, Universidad Técnica de Clausthal,

Doctor y Catedrático.


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How to Cite

Cervantes-Guerra, Y., Rodríguez-Infante, A., Pierra-Conde, A., Almaguer-Carmenates, Y., & Gusrky, H.-J. (2017). Changes in the geomorphology and littoral environment associated to dredged of seabed in Moa, Cuba. Minería & Geología, 33(1), 114–127. Retrieved from



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