

Heritage, Goals for sustainable development, Education for sustainable development, Training proces


The professional's integral formation must pay tribute to the preparation of the students to interpret and to transform the complex reality of the context of acting in pursuit of the sustainable development, which forces big challenges on the preparation of the university cloister to address the pedagogic process the formative process of the races and disciplines specially to in the related thing with the (ODS), for its incorporation. In such sense, learning calls for raising the use of the potentialities of the process of teaching the subjects of study itself and you discipline to make the formation perfect member-humanist of the students as from the integration of the (ODS), to the formative process in response to the need to favor the education for (EDS) the students' sustainable development. The investigation aims at designing a system of activities in Medicina's race, to favor the education for the students' sustainable development. Theoretic methods are used as analysis, the synthesis, and the hermeneutical. Finally a proposal of activities includes metodológicas itself to develop to incorporate them (ODS) to the formative process of Medicina's race. 


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How to Cite

Santiago Ávila, I., & Aldana Aldana, Y. (2022). EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE TRAINING PROCESS. Revista De Innovación Social Y Desarrollo, 7(1), 72–82. Retrieved from


