
  • Dalia Annamelia Fernández Paumier Hospital General de Moa
  • Yasmani Vega Gómez Policlínico Docente Rolando Monterrey
  • Sandra Barthelemy Machado Hospital General de Moa


, level of knowledge, Oral cancer, schoolchildren, intervention


Due to its situation, anatomy and functions, the oral cavity deserves careful medical attention in the prevention and early detection of oral cancer. An intervention study was carried out in schoolchildren aged 15-18 from the IPU Antonio Fernández in the period from October 2019 to June 2021 with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of an educational intervention on oral cancer. The universe was made up of the 324 schoolchildren that make up the pre-university enrollment and the sample was made up of 50 of them, selected through a simple random sampling. The research was carried out during three defined periods: a first moment of diagnosis, a second moment of intervention and the last moment of evaluation of the impact of the intervention. This strategy demonstrated a qualitative leap, as a decrease in the level of insufficient knowledge was observed from 86% before the educational intervention to 6%.


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How to Cite

Fernández Paumier, D. A., Vega Gómez, Y., & Barthelemy Machado, S. (2023). EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION ON ORAL CANCER IN SCHOOLCHILDREN AGED 15-18. Revista De Innovación Social Y Desarrollo, 7(2), 142–157. Retrieved from


