Evaluation of virtual environment development methodologies


  • Yadira Arguelles-Blanco Universidad de Moa
  • José L. Montero-O´farril Universidad de Moa
  • Lourdes García-Pujadas Universidad de Moa
  • Yennis Avila-Torres Universidad de Moa
  • Katiuska Jiménez-Roche Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín (Cuba)


virtual environment development methodology, software development phases, methodologies evaluation guidelines.


Methodological proposals for the development of virtual environments of Kaur, Celentano and Pittarello, Fencott and UP4VED (Unified Process for Virtual Environment Development) were characterized, taking into account the activities they carry out in the software development phases: Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing. Based on the outcome of their analysis and the use of good software engineering practices, a set of guidelines were proposed that should be taken into account when selecting a methodology for the development of virtual environments. Through them, the proposals put forward were evaluated, in order to know the extent to which they can ensure the proper development of the EV. The application of guidelines for the evaluation of virtual environment development methodologies allows to determine what are the fundamental activities to be carried out in this process, contributes to the increase in the quality of the product and the customer satisfaction that will use it. 


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How to Cite

Arguelles-Blanco, Y., Montero-O´farril, J. L., García-Pujadas, L., Avila-Torres, Y., & Jiménez-Roche, K. (2021). Evaluation of virtual environment development methodologies. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(2), 52–68. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2080



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