The need for an environmental code of ethics to the mining workers in Cuba



mining, sustainable development, environmental policy, ecosophy, environmental ethics, deontological code.


The article addresses the need of an Ethical code for the mining worker as part of the environmental management the nickel industry carries out in Cuba. Environmental Ethics has a paramount role as a discipline of theoretical-practical knowledge in conception of a sustainable development. In the mining-metallurgical business field, perception is quite formed that legal regulations are adequate for good environmental practices, ignoring the paramount role of awareness, which, above all, it is based on moral and political aspects. In that way, it is appropriate to draft a deontological code for the mining worker that ensures, together with the legal aspects, the improvement in knowledge, skills, norms, principles and convictions that facilitate the ecological management of natural system linked with society.


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How to Cite

Santos-Rodríguez, E. (2022). The need for an environmental code of ethics to the mining workers in Cuba. Minería & Geología, 38(2), 177–188. Retrieved from



Mining and Society