Site effect in the urban area of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic



seismic, site effect, shear wave speed, amplification factor


In order to evaluate the seismic response of the soils in Puerto Plata city, the lithostratigraphic description of 141 geotechnical surveys was carried out. The Nakamura or H/V (passive seismic) technique was applied to calculate the spectral record between the horizontal components and the vertical by the background environmental noise record. The shear wave velocity (Vs) is determined by the 1D and 2D Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method (active seismic) at seven sites. PSHAKE software is used for 1D modeling in 26 stratigraphic models. Amplification factors of 0.6 to 2.0 were obtained, with the latter occupying most of the area. The greatest amplifications match with the urbanized part where anthropic materials and Quaternary sediments emerge.


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How to Cite

Rivera-Alvarez, Z. C., Batista-Apolinar, J. P., Pérez-Alejandro, Y. H., & Roque-Quezada, M. B. (2023). Site effect in the urban area of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Minería & Geología, 39(1), 15–29. Retrieved from

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