Determining the fines content in the Mariel Quarries



particulate material, fines content, aggregate piles, unpaved roads, coniotic pollution


An important source of coniotic air pollution is mining activity in quarries, what produces large quantities of particulate matter that affects human health and ecosystems. The purpose of this work is to determine by the gravimetric method, the content of fines (particles smaller than 0.074 mm) in the unpaved roads from the front of "La Molina" quarries to production centers from Canteras Mariel Base Business Unit as well as in the aggregate storage piles. Samples of 30 g taken at 11 points of the unpaved roads and in the piles of each type of aggregate (granite, sand, gravel and macadam) were analyzed. A 24 .9% concentration of average fines for unpaved roads, a figure that doubles the values reported in the literature for extractive activities. It was also found that due to the action of wind and rain, these fines adhere mostly to the assortments of greater granulometry arranged in piles, what causes the production to be contamination to be contaminated.


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How to Cite

Olivera-Ferrer, M. C., Ragnar-Medina, L., & Hernández-Garcés, A. (2024). Determining the fines content in the Mariel Quarries . Minería & Geología, 39(4), 267–276. Retrieved from