Determining chromium content of chromiferous spinel in Camarioca Norte lateritic deposit



chromiferous spinel mineralization, lateritic ore , data mining


The chromium contents of chromiferous spinels from Camarioca Norte lateritic deposit were determined. For this purpose, the inductive fusion atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), Spectro ARCOS model with radial observation mode and X-ray fluorescence were used. Assessment of the exploring database at Camarioca Norte deposit shows that chromiferous spinels have a uniform distribution in all lateritic crust horizons. The highest chromium values (1.85 % by weight) are found in horizons 1, 2 and 4 of the lateritic profile. Among the heavy elements reported, chromium has the highest values in percent by weight, relative to nickel and cobalt in the lateritic crust. Granulometric analysis of chromiferous mineralization indicates that 95,0 % of the sample volume corresponds to the fraction less than 0,84 mm in which a chromium content of 3,49 % was determined, twice the average value of the fraction less than 0,84 mm in lateritic ore entering the metallurgical process of acid pressure leaching. In addition, it is appreciated that the chromium contents are significant in the lateritic crust of the Camarioca Norte deposit.


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How to Cite

Urra-Abraira, J. L., Muñoz-Gómez, J. N., & Carballo-Peña, A. (2024). Determining chromium content of chromiferous spinel in Camarioca Norte lateritic deposit. Minería & Geología, 40(2), 85–98. Retrieved from

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