Geological characterization of the laterite ore from different metallogenic regions: Comparison between San Felipe and Piloto ore bodies


  • Rosa M. Cobas-Botey Ministerio de Energía y Minas


weathering profile, San Felipe ore body, Piloto ore body, laterite crust.


This investigation deals with a comparative analysis for the identification of the geo-structural and geomorphological characteristics in addition to the spatial-temporal regularities of the origin and evolution of these two exogenous metallogenic regions of Cuba, located on the weathering crust that occurred on ophiolites. The differences in the morphostructural evolution contributed to the differentiated spatial-temporal development of nickel weathering crusts in both territories. In the morphostructural block of the northern west, the recent earth crust movements are characterized by strong uplifts that started in the Pliocene and continue to date. These uplifts have been weaker in the morphostructural block of central Camaguey, resulting in an increased stability of the region and therefore in the development of a more mature and older relief compared to that of the northern west. In the latter, water transfer was generally intense with regard to the free silica contained in the crust profile. The San Felipe (Camaguey) and Piloto (Moa) ore bodies are representative examples of evolutionary differences.


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How to Cite

Cobas-Botey, R. M. (2016). Geological characterization of the laterite ore from different metallogenic regions: Comparison between San Felipe and Piloto ore bodies. Minería & Geología, 32(1), 48–59. Retrieved from




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