Landslide risk assessment and mapping of Moa


  • Yexenia Viltres-Milán ISMM
  • Rafael Guardado-Lacaba ISMM


risk management, cartography, landslide risk, territorial organization, GIS, Moa.


The occurrence of landslides in Moa poses a serious threat to the industry, communities, socio-economic activities and the environment. The objective of this research is to assess and map the risks generated by the occurrence of landslides in the area by applying the Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For a methodological guidance, the guideline dated 2012 prepared by the National Risk Management Group was used to conduct the landslide hazard, vulnerability, risk analysis on the ground. As a result, this work produced a map indicating the overall landslide dangerousness in Moa on a 1:100 000 scale. This map is one more risk management and mitigation tool in the territorial organization.


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How to Cite

Viltres-Milán, Y., & Guardado-Lacaba, R. (2014). Landslide risk assessment and mapping of Moa. Minería & Geología, 30(3), 16–32. Retrieved from