Effect of wastewater injection on oil production in a block from Pina oilfield, Cuba



Pina oilfield, water injection, average annual decline, increased oil production.


Oil production in the Pina oilfield registered a notable decrease, which prompted applying of secondary recovery methods. The purpose of the study was to analyze how the injection of petroleum wastewater influenced the increase of production of that particular block, taking as reference production values of prior periods before implementing the method and comparing them with further values. It was possible to specify the annual decline average as well as the increased production after applying the method. It was also possible to establish the required volumes of water for injecting the block. With this secondary recovery method, the average decline in production was reduced from 10,24 % before water injection to 4,75 % after it was applied. Increased annual production rose from 19,53 % in 17th year of exploitation to 74,99 % of total production in 21st. year.


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How to Cite

Guerra-Santiesteban, D., & Yparraguirre-Peña, J. L. (2020). Effect of wastewater injection on oil production in a block from Pina oilfield, Cuba. Minería & Geología, 36(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistamg/article/view/art1_No1_2020