Evaluating vulnerability to marine intrusion in Cuenca Sur coastal aquifer at Güira–Quivicán sector in Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces
saline intrusion, vulnerability to marine intrusion, GALDIT method, coastal aquifer.Abstract
Güira–Quivicán sector of Cuenca Sur coastal karstic aquifer contributes 58% of the water the Cuban capital supplies. Groundwater in this aquifer drains freely into the sea, making systematic control of marine intrusion essential. To assess the vulnerability of the aquifer to saline intrusion, the GALDIT method was applied which is a parametric method of superposition of weighted ranges of hydrogeological information refering to: type of aquifer, hydraulic conductivity, piezometric level, distance to the coast, areas where saline intrusion and aquifer thickness is evident. The method was adapted to the available information and the characteristics of the area obtaining high vulnerability to marine intrusion in 31.5% of this sector, while 49.5% has moderate vulnerability. The high statistical correlation between the map of vulnerability to marine intrusion and the depth map of saline intrusion made from the interpretation of vertical electrical soundings measured in the area shows the validity of the results presented.Downloads
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