Spatial probabilistic performance of substantial composition in lateritic deposits of eastern Cuba
geostatistics, probabilistic distributions, estimation models, lateritic deposits.Abstract
The aim of this study is to determine the spatial probabilistic behavior of the main chemical elements in the Cuban lateritic deposits. The contents of Ni, Fe and Co were analyzed related to their adjustment to six statistical distributions (normal, logarithmic normal, Erlang, exponential, Gaussian Reverse and Chi square) on the horizontal plane, in eight directions and on the vertical plane, in each sampling interval, using the Statgraphics and Statistic softwares. The analysis was carried out in two sites to which previously autocorrelation ellipsoids based on directional variograms calculated at an angle of 45º had been constructed. Based on the statistical processing, we can say that none of the three components are considered fit the proposed distributions and there is adjustment to the normal distribution only in one of the deposits and for a single element, (Ni). A diversity of performance for substantial components is evident so, for one or more variables that reflect the substantial components, the use of estimating models that require adjusting data to a specific probabilistic distribution is not advised in this type of deposits.Downloads
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