Placing of monobore wells in the B6 LL 370 oil deposit, Tía Juana Lago field, Venezuela


  • Alfonso Castro-Cerrada Pdvsa Barinas, Venezuela
  • José Cuador-Gil Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Carlos Banzer-Sánchez PDVSA Gas Occidente. Maracaibo


petroleum geology, monobore well, Tia Juana Lago field, drainage points, remaining reserves, gas


The angular discordance of the Eocene that puts B sands of the Misoa Formation in contact with the La Rosa Formation affects, structure up, the thickness of the B6 member truncating it until eroding it in a northwesterly direction, with the presence of facies changes and local faults. With the objective of contributing to the recovery of gas reserves, a geological review was initiated to locate drainage points; the present investigation had the purpose of identifying the favorable stratigraphic and structural framework to locate in the upper part of the structure, monobore wells to drain the remaining reserves of gas from reservoir B6 LL 370, from the Tia Juana Lago field. It was established that plot A-226 is the most prospective for the establishment of drainage points for the drilling of monobore wells due to the best geological and reservoir conditions. Two locations are proposed (LL-Z-AB-AC-306-A4 and LL-AC-6-C5A1) to complete monobore with 5-1/2” pipe for a production potential of 2,8 MMPCND.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Castro-Cerrada, Pdvsa Barinas, Venezuela

Ingeniero de PetroleoMaster en GeologíaGeólogo de Reservas División Boyacá. FPO. Pdvsa Barinas

José Cuador-Gil, Universidad de Pinar del Río

Fecha de nacimiento 23 de Enero de 1963Graduado como Licenciado en Educación Especialidad Física y Astronomía, Instituto Superior Pedagógico de Pinar del Río, 1989.Master en informática Aplicada a la Ingeniería y la Arquitectura, Istituo Superior José Antonio Echeverría, 1997.Master en Geoestadística, centro de Geoestadística de la Escuela Nacional Superior de Minas del París, Francia, 1998.Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad de Pinar del Río, Cuba, 2002.Profesor Titular del Departamento de Física de la Universidad de Pinar del Río, Cuba, 2009. 

Carlos Banzer-Sánchez, PDVSA Gas Occidente. Maracaibo

Master en Ingeniería de Petróleo. PDVSA Gas Occidente. Maracaibo.


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How to Cite

Castro-Cerrada, A., Cuador-Gil, J., & Banzer-Sánchez, C. (2018). Placing of monobore wells in the B6 LL 370 oil deposit, Tía Juana Lago field, Venezuela. Minería & Geología, 34(1), 46–63. Retrieved from