Geological evolution of Cuban archipelago: Genesis of its main regional faults



Wilson cycle, geotectonic contexts, petrotectonic associations, geological evolution of Cuba, Cuban regional failures.


A geological evolution model of the Cuban archipelago is proposed with the objective of explaining the main geotectonic contexts and ages in which the main regional faults capable of generating earthquakes at present were originated, considering that this phenomenon does not seem to be fully solved in the different geological models consulted. The work was based on the assessment of the petrotectonic associations of the Cuban archipelago, identified based on the stratigraphic characteristics of the lithostratigraphic and lithodemic units described in the local and regional geological surveys, reflected in the geological maps and regulated in the Cuban Stratigraphic Lexicon of the 2013; as well as in its correspondence with the geotectonic contexts, petrotectonic associations, stages and stages established in the Wilson cycle.


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How to Cite

Vega-Garriga, N. (2020). Geological evolution of Cuban archipelago: Genesis of its main regional faults. Minería & Geología, 36(2), 172–187. Retrieved from


