Gray cast iron for sugar mills trash plates


  • Jesús Hernández-de la Torre Universidad de Camagüey
  • Asdrúbal Braulio García-Domínguez Universidad de Camagüey
  • Luis Orlando Martín-Carvajal Universidad "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" de Camagüey


gray cast iron, laminar graphite, sugar mills, trash plates, machinating, tribologic pair.


Improved materials are required for increasing the durability of sugar mills trash plates, considering their mechanical properties. The aim of this work was to obtain a gray cast iron, slightly alloyed with chromium, to raise the combined wear resistance. The gray alloy cast was proposed with 0,5% Cr and 0,1% Sn, with a high level of perlite, and the performance of its properties was compared with the other experimental alloys. Finally, it is demonstrated that the values of hardness and combined strength of the proposed alloy are adequate and guarantee an acceptable machinating, which makes this alloy an advantageous material in comparison with those currently used.


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Author Biography

Luis Orlando Martín-Carvajal, Universidad "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" de Camagüey

Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica. Director del Centro de estudio de explotación,fabricación y recuperación de equipos y piezas


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How to Cite

Hernández-de la Torre, J., García-Domínguez, A. B., & Martín-Carvajal, L. O. (2019). Gray cast iron for sugar mills trash plates. Minería & Geología, 35(2), 210–219. Retrieved from



Metalurgia física