Cause of failure of a 316 stainless steel pipe elbow in a cooling circuit of a reactor


  • Eduardo M. Diaz-Cedre Fabricación y Tecnología en Soldadura S.A de C.V, Querétaro, Qro
  • Cesar A. Sánchez-Pérez Fabricación y Tecnología en Soldadura S.A de C.V, Querétaro, Qro
  • Amado Cruz-Crespo Centro de Investigaciones de Soldadura. Universidad Central de Las Villas
  • Jesús I. Ruiz-Vela Fabricación y Tecnología en Soldadura S.A de C.V, Querétaro, Qro
  • Mauricio Tello-Rico Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial, Querétaro, Qro
  • Nancy M. Pérez-Pino Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica, Santa Clara


break gear, stainless steel 316, corrosion, mechanical fatigue


This research deals with a study to determine the cause of cracking and later broke of an accessory made of stainless 316 steel in the cooling circuit of a reactor. Several characterization techniques were applied such as: optical emission spectrometry, sweep optical and electronic microscopy, including microanalysis with EDAX. It was concluded that the main cause of the failure are related to a mixing deterioration mechanism by intercrystalline corrosion sensitive, mechanic fatigue and stress corrosion cracking.


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How to Cite

Diaz-Cedre, E. M., Sánchez-Pérez, C. A., Cruz-Crespo, A., Ruiz-Vela, J. I., Tello-Rico, M., & Pérez-Pino, N. M. (2018). Cause of failure of a 316 stainless steel pipe elbow in a cooling circuit of a reactor. Minería & Geología, 34(4), 453–466. Retrieved from



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