Obtaining in an electric arc furnace alloys of the Fe-Mn-Cr-C system and slag destined to the development of welding consumables


  • Lorenzo Perdomo-González Universidad Central de Las Villas
  • Rafael Quintana-Puchol UCLV
  • Amado Cruz-Crespo Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Carlos Gómez-Pérez


ferrochromium, ferromanganese, slag, carbothermic reduction, welding flux


The production of chromium manganese ferroalloys for the use in the development of alloying loads of welding consumables is presented. On the basis of variations in the proportions of the chromium and manganese minerals in the loads, different combinations are established, which allow obtaining multicomponent ferroalloys with composition ranging from 9 to 32 % chromium and from 24 to 65 % manganese. The melting-reduction process is carried out in an electric arc furnace with a graphite crucible and with the presence of coke as a reducing component which guarantees the obtaining of high carbon alloys (5–6 %). The use of the multicomponent ferroalloy in the formulation of welding consumables simplifies and makes cheaper the obtaining of these materials. As result of metallurgical processing, slag formed by the silicon, aluminum, magnesium, manganese and calcium oxides are obtained, which are feasible to use in the production of flux matrices for submerged arc welding process.


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Author Biographies

Lorenzo Perdomo-González, Universidad Central de Las Villas

Investigador centro de investigaciones de soldadura Universidad Central de Las Villas

Rafael Quintana-Puchol, UCLV

  Carlos R. Gómez-Pérez


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How to Cite

Perdomo-González, L., Quintana-Puchol, R., Cruz-Crespo, A., & Gómez-Pérez, C. (2018). Obtaining in an electric arc furnace alloys of the Fe-Mn-Cr-C system and slag destined to the development of welding consumables. Minería & Geología, 34(1), 92–107. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistamg/article/view/art7_No1_2018



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