Performance of the microstructure of cast iron joints with different input material



microstructural analysis, solidification, welding, molten iron, input material.


Performance of the microstructure cast iron joints with different material was characterized after applying the thermal welding cycle. For the metallurgical joint in cast iron plates 10 millimeters thick and V preparation at 60 °, E 309L-16, UTP 8 and UTP 86 FN electrodes were selected. With E 309L – 16, the solidification is of a Widmanstátten or acicular austenite morphology with presence of carbides and with UTP 8 a ferritic matrix is obtained with formation carbides inside. Both are prone to cracking; for the UTP 86 FN an austenitic structure was obtained with a small amount of delta ferrite and a better solidification.


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How to Cite

Viada-Estévez, A., & Fernández–Columbié, T. H. (2020). Performance of the microstructure of cast iron joints with different input material. Minería & Geología, 36(1), 92–105. Retrieved from



Metalurgia física