Impact of seasonal variability of precipitation on surface and groundwaters in the Mbe plateau in North Pool (Congo-Brazzaville)



hydrochemistry, seasonal variability, drinking water, Plateau of Mbé, Pool Northeast Congo.


This study focuses on the impact of the seasonal variability of rainfall on the availability of water Plateau Mbé between november 2017 and august 2018, we took 120 samples from eigth (08) water points (1 well, 4 drillings and 3 rivers) which we analyzed in the laboratory. The sample were used to characterize the physical and chemical elements of the water. The results obtained were treated with different methods. They show that the values of the analyzed waters between four (04) seasons do not show considerable variation and all comply with the standards prescribed by the WHO for drinking water except the proven abnormal temperature averaging 27 °C and an average pH of 5,0 thus confirming the character of acid water throughout this study area.


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How to Cite

Obami-Ondon, H., Ngouala-Mabonzo, M., Gampio-Mbilou, U., & Mabiala, B. (2020). Impact of seasonal variability of precipitation on surface and groundwaters in the Mbe plateau in North Pool (Congo-Brazzaville). Minería & Geología, 36(3), 342–350. Retrieved from



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