Adhesive wear performance of a low alloy gray iron, with aluminum and silicon addition


  • Luis O. Martín-Carvajal Universidad "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" de Camagüey
  • Asdrúbal B. García-Domínguez


aluminum, wear resistance, cast alloyed irons, adhesive wear.


Manufacturing spare parts by using the most competitive and a greener material, compared with the traditional, is an emerging global trend. Improving some traditional materials is an economic way. The objective of this work is to influence the performance of the adhesive wear resistance of a low alloy cast iron, to which aluminum is added as an alloying element in an amount between 1% and 4% and maintaining the percentage of silicon in limits of 3.0 % and 3.6 %. The results show the obtaining of alloys with very similar performance to that of tin bronze in manufacturing of flat bearings. Alloys b4 and b5 meet the requirements, standing out b5 with a better wear intensity ratio and a concentration of 3.74% of Al and 2.93% of Si.


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Author Biography

Luis O. Martín-Carvajal, Universidad "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" de Camagüey

Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica. Director del Centro de estudio de explotación,fabricación y recuperación de equipos y piezas


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How to Cite

Martín-Carvajal, L. O., & García-Domínguez, A. B. (2018). Adhesive wear performance of a low alloy gray iron, with aluminum and silicon addition. Minería & Geología, 34(4), 481–493. Retrieved from



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