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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

• Ciencia & Futuro is an electronic magazine published on a quarterly basis, in March, June, September and December and arbitrated by the double blind method.

• It publishes articles related to different aspects of technique, natural, social and human sciences edited by university students from all countries. It is open to scientific articles, assessments, essays, chronicles and research projects.

• It includes three sections: Ciencia Universitaria, Senderos and Alma Universitaria. The Ciencia Universitaria section covers articles related to the technique and natural sciences. Senderos publishes articles about Universal History; the History of Cuba as well as others related to the various spheres of the society. The Alma Universitaria section promotes artistic creations of any genre made by university students.

• Publications are in preferably Spanish or English. Titles, keywords and abstracts shall be also written in English. Texts will be sent electronically in RFT, MS-Word format.

• Illustrations (graphic images) shall be presented in .jpg or .gif formats or in any other PC´s graphic format.

• Works shall be prepared in letter-sized sheets (21,59 x 27,94 cm) using Verdana font size 10 and a 1,5 line spacing. The maximum admissible length for wording is 20 pages.

• The structure for the presentation of articles shall include the following sections in this order: Title, Author(s), Tutor (s), Abstract (250 words maximum), Keywords, Introduction, Development, Conclusions, Recommendations (Optional) and References. Headlines of the sections shall be written in bold. Title: it shall be concise and clear with 15 words maximum. Authors: Stating full names, information about the university they represent, country, specialty and email. It shall be informative, in a single paragraph containing 250 words maximum. It shall present the problem dealt with, the objective of the investigation, methods used, main results and the most relevant conclusions. No abbreviations, formulae, acronyms, bibliographical citations or references to illustrations shall be included. The English version shall be included. Keywords: It shall include 3 or 6 words or phrases facilitating the effective search of works through the various information services and their English translations. Introduction: It shall include the objective of the investigation, background or the situations that led to the identification of the problem under investigation. The justification and intention of the investigation shall be presented and clearly define the objective of the article. Conclusions: The most relevant aspects obtained from the interpretation of the results shall be synthesized in brief lines. Information not related to the logic consequence of the data analysis shall not be included. It shall suit the scope of the results.

• The sections of each article shall have a headline with their name.

• The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make decisions about the publication of works.

• Novelty, update and interest will be taken into account for admission of contributions. Once the approval of the contribution is notified to the author, it shall not be submitted to any other means of publication.

• The authors shall take sole responsibility for the opinions and concepts provided in the articles.

• References: Only the publications by magazines preferably shall be enumerated, in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author in each bibliographical source. All references appearing in the body of the work shall feature on the bibliographical list and vice versa. The surname of the first author separated by a comma (,) from the initial letter of his/her name shall appear and the other authors shall come next in the same manner. The year of publication of the document with no parentheses and the work title follows. The publication, having serials, shall indicate the serial name, the volume and the number between parentheses, the first and last pages followed by a colon (:) and separated by a centered hyphen. The author or authors, the year of publication, the title of the publication followed by the name of the event and headquarters shall appear in the same manner in the cases of presentations made in events. In the case of books and monographies, the name of the publisher and the city where it is located shall appear after the title. In the case of quotations from documents appearing on the Internet, the web site and the date of search shall come after the name of author or authors, the year of publication and the title of the original document.

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Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.