Educational inclusion program in the regular primary school Ford no. 8 Juan Escutia in the Municipality of Salvador Alvarado, Sinaloa, Mexico


  • Herenia Sánchez-Camacho Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa


Educational Integration, NEE alumnae, regular alumnae, regular school, integral education, teaching-learning process


The article presents an analysis on the integration of students that have been diagnosed of having special learning needs (NEE, in Spanish) in a regular primary school and the integral education program that is offered to them based on the assessment of the teacher´s influence when using adequate strategies in daily teaching activities. The research addresses the teaching department, the principal and the alumnae both regular and NEE as subjects of the investigation using the ethnographic method as quantitative and qualitative tradition. The investigation results indicate that both regular and NEE students accept each other in an agreeable cohabitation and the vast majority of the samples enjoy attending classes. On the contrary, the teachers were not in agreement with the theory of integration and are of the opinion that the Unit of Service in Support to Regular Education (USAER, in Spanish) shall be responsible for this program.


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Author Biography

Herenia Sánchez-Camacho, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Licenciatura en Educación


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Camacho, H. (2014). Educational inclusion program in the regular primary school Ford no. 8 Juan Escutia in the Municipality of Salvador Alvarado, Sinaloa, Mexico. Ciencia & Futuro, 4(4), 111–125. Retrieved from