Impact of waste and oil-contaminated water disposal on the Bay of Felton


  • Juan R. Oliveros-del Real Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


Water-bearing contamination, water treatment, waste water


This investigation analyses the impact caused by the discharge of waste water at the oil-contaminated water treatment plant (Object 036) of the ETE Lidio Ramón Pérez at the Bay of Felton. The temperature was measured on three different locations of the outlet channel at three different hours. Samples of waste waters were taken for the Center of Investigations for the Nickel Industry of Moa to conduct a profound chemical test using specialized equipment. The content of contaminants is very insignificant except for the content of oils and grease according to the highest levels required for the maximum qualification of state of conservation of the receiver.


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Author Biography

Juan R. Oliveros-del Real, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Ingeniería mecánica


ANPP. Ley No. 81 del Medio Ambiente. 1997: Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba. Edición extraordinaria, La Habana, 11 jul 1997, Año XCV. No. 7, p. 47.

Organismo Nacional de Normalización de la República de Cuba. NC 521: 2007: Vertimiento de aguas residuales a la zona costera y aguas marinas—especificaciones [en línea]. Consultado: 10 nov 2012. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Oliveros-del Real, J. R. (2014). Impact of waste and oil-contaminated water disposal on the Bay of Felton. Ciencia & Futuro, 5(1), 90–103. Retrieved from



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