Neoliberal Globalization: A reflection based on Martí’s ideology


  • Leonardo Rodríguez-Mestre Universidad de Holguín


José Martí, Neoliberal Globalization


Recapitulating the life of a great man is not only about recollecting his deeds but also, and even more importantly today, enriching ourselves with his ideas so as to strengthen our willpower to fight and continue making history, precisely at these times mankind is facing globalization; which, for most people, is understood by bringing all the world under control of the Powers and whose ending will be no other than the triumph of capitalism. In this regard, José Martí´s thoughts and spirit of not yielding to the tyranny, persisting in being strong and fight against the so-called “pre-determined destiny” have laid a significant ideological and theoretical foundation for Third World Countries to strive for their own development.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Mestre, L. (2011). Neoliberal Globalization: A reflection based on Martí’s ideology. Ciencia & Futuro, 1(1), 81–87. Retrieved from


