Evaluating the accuracy of digital terrain models


  • Michael Entombo-Bosala Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


Digital terrain models, lateritic ore body, interpolation method


The objective of the investigation was to determine the accuracy of the digital terrain models in the lateritic ore bodies located in the northern area of the province of Holguin. According to the investigation results, not all the interpolation methods from the surfer can be used as in the case of the natural neighbor, data metric, local polynomial, polynomial regression, nearest neighbor, moving average, modified Sheppard’s method and triangulation with linear interpolation. However, the interpolation methods: distance inverse, kriging, minimum curvature and radial base function meet that condition and are selected to compare the handmade models to ensure the greatest possible similarity with the natural terrain and improve the accuracy of soil and mining calculations.


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Author Biography

Michael Entombo-Bosala, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Ingeniería en Minas


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How to Cite

Entombo-Bosala, M. (2013). Evaluating the accuracy of digital terrain models. Ciencia & Futuro, 3(4), 1–17. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/1176



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