Environmental impact of the tibaracón natural sand deposit in Toa


  • Tomas Lobaina-Yibre


sand ore body, environmental impact, impact mitigation.


The technical mining and geological characteristics of the Tibaracón natural sand ore body in Toa were analyzed. The environmental impacts caused by the extraction activity were identified and general action items were identified in order to mitigate the negative environmental effects. Empirical and theoretical methods of scientific research were applied which allowed the scheduled objectives to be met. Mining of the Tibaracón ore body in Toa has negative environmental effects and the action items will result in a responsible mining.


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Author Biography

Tomas Lobaina-Yibre

Ingeniería en Minas. Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico (Cuba).


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How to Cite

Lobaina-Yibre, T. (2015). Environmental impact of the tibaracón natural sand deposit in Toa. Ciencia & Futuro, 5(4), 98–112. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/1198



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