Topographical polygon points for teaching purposes at the Metallurgical Mining Institut


  • Helder V. Mucuta-Lito Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


topography, geodesic networks, global positioning system (GPS), total station.


A topographical polygon points which ensures the development of practical classes in Mine Surveying and General Surveying subjects at the Mining Metallurgical Institute allowing the densification of the altimetry and planimetric geodesic network for teaching support tasks was projected, as well as the incorporation of these issues into the national network with the purpose of using them in different tasks of state interest. The use of new technologies as topo-geodesic instruments at the stage of field measurements, applying technical parameters obtained in previous research was proposed. The polygon consists of a system of series polygonal that links the two central points to be determined with (GPS) observations.


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Author Biography

Helder V. Mucuta-Lito, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Ingeniería en Minas


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CÓRDOVA, G. 1987: Geodesia (tomo II). Editorial Científico Técnico, La Habana, 330 p.

SALEK, M. & JATRI, D. M. 2003: Particularidades ingeniero-geológica del sector Miraflores, Atlántico y Vivienda Checa. Zaldívar Riverón, A. B. (tutora). Trabajo de diploma. Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa. 45 h.

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How to Cite

Mucuta-Lito, H. V. (2016). Topographical polygon points for teaching purposes at the Metallurgical Mining Institut. Ciencia & Futuro, 6(3), 32–46. Retrieved from



Ciencia Universitaria