Magnetic domains in AISI 4340 steel pieces welded with coated electrodes
steel AISI 4340, E-7018 welding electrode, covered electrodes, magnetic Barkhausen noise.Abstract
The performance of different electrodes such as electrode E-7018 of 4 mm diameter, electrode E-312-16 of 3,2 diameter and the UTP 65 of 3,2 diameter, used in welding steel AISI 4340, was analyzed, considered like a chrome-nickel-molybdenum type. To determine the mechanical properties of each electrode used, material sample with dimensions of 100 x 50 mm were prepared and undergo to nondestructive testing (NDT) such as Barkhausen noise after the welding thermal cycle. The Barkhausen signals and the microstructures obtained show that AISI 4340 steel welding electrode type E-7018 promotes the formation of sigma phase from ferrite and introduces a hardness of HV 498, 70 what makes it a fragile structure. Proving that the use of the UTP 65 electrode type is the most favorable who creates Barkhausen spectrum of a lower intensity, structure of austenite-ferrite type with hardness of 315 HV.Downloads
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