Environmental strategy for the national geoscience training program of the Instituto Universitario Tecnológico de Maracaibo, Venezuela
strategy, environmental formation, curriculum design.Abstract
The aim of this investigation consisted of elaborating a strategy for the environmental formation in the National Program of Formation in Geosciences of the University Technological Institute of Maracaibo, Venezuela. In the development of the investigation there were applied empirical and theoretical methods of the scientific investigation that allowed to reach the planned aims. There were studied and systematized the trends of the environmental education used in the social contemporary practice and a diagnosis was applied to the facilitators to know the problems that limit the introduction of the environmental formation. The structure and the contents of the strategy of environmental formation it consists of five stages and a series of actions that allow the environmental formation of facilitators and participants. The relevancy of the strategy was obtained to dividing consultations with specialists who recognized his cientificidad, feasibility, the practical significance of his actions and the theoretical value of the same one. The strategy offers possibilities of being applied in other PNF, bearing the diagnosis and the particularities in mind of each one.Downloads
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