Spectrophotometer and its utilization for the resolution of professional issues encountered by metallurgical ingineers


  • Edidiong Emma-Uboho Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


Spectrophotometer, metallurgical engineering, practices of laboratory.


The state of the art of the techniques of spectral analysis discusses the work, in particular Absorción Atómica's and Emisión's Espectrofotometría, digging into the physical beginnings which he has a base in this technique. Discuss the utilization of the same at various fields of science and the technique, in particular his job to resolve a metallurgic engineer's professional problems of one's own. Finally accomplishes an inventory of the utilization itself of the anvil is techniques at the Institute Superior Minero Metalúrgico's surroundings and it intends a system of practices of laboratory with labor component that they can be accomplished with the visitor to Empresas's laboratories of the territory.


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CASAS SABATA, J. M. 2004: Contaminación por metales pesados. Cataluña. 278p.

DEHAHAY, P. 1970: Análisis Instrumental. Instituto Cubano del Libro. La Habana.

JIMÉNEZ HERRAIS, L. 2005: Espectroscopia de Absorción Atómica. Publicaciones Analíticas, Madrid. España. 390p.



How to Cite

Emma-Uboho, E. (2011). Spectrophotometer and its utilization for the resolution of professional issues encountered by metallurgical ingineers. Ciencia & Futuro, 1(1), 39–46. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/14



Ciencia Universitaria