Oral expression in high school students with autism spectrum disorder


  • Juan C. Mila-Estrada Benemérita Escuela Normal Urbana Nocturna del Estado


Emotional intelligence, oral expression, autism spectrum disorder


The development of oral expression was examined in a high school student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The analysis and evaluation was conducted through the application of a structured care program in chronological phases and adapted to the needs of the student within the facilities of the College of Scientific and Technological Studies of Baja California, Mexico, Los Pinos campus, taking as a focus the case study. The theoretical model of emotional intelligence of Daniel Goleman was applied, using quantitative and qualitative instruments to determine the learning style, development of linguistic skills and inventory of skills, as well as expository techniques and simulatory teaching methods in a real environment. The objective of the intervention plan was for the student to acquire and use oral expression skills through emotional stimuli so that he or she could adapt in the contexts that surround them. The results suggest that the student manages to develop oral expression skills; However, it requires continuing recognition of their achievements as well as maintaining a maximum level of confidence in the development of the strategies applied to motivation and cognitive effort.


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How to Cite

Mila-Estrada, J. C. (2018). Oral expression in high school students with autism spectrum disorder. Ciencia & Futuro, 8(1), 86–100. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/1517


