Application of the communication system by exchange of images to develop the functional communicative interaction


  • Luis G. Beltrán-Ibáñez Benemérita Escuela Normal Urbana Nocturna del Estado


Autistic spectrum disorder, generalized developmental disorder, communication system by exchange of images.


The image exchange communication system was used to develop communication in two students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and generalized developmental disorder, belonging to the Multiple Care Center No. 8 located in the city of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. The intervention plan allows students to increase their level of concentration during the pedagogical activities while stimulating their oral language and increasing their autonomy in interacting with adults.


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Author Biography

Luis G. Beltrán-Ibáñez, Benemérita Escuela Normal Urbana Nocturna del Estado

Educación especial


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How to Cite

Beltrán-Ibáñez, L. G. (2018). Application of the communication system by exchange of images to develop the functional communicative interaction. Ciencia & Futuro, 8(1), 74–85. Retrieved from


