Variations microstructural of a steel exposed micro alloyed to high temperatures


  • Eider Mora-Terrero Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Tomás Fernández-Columbié Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Yurileysis Reyes-Galindo Empresa Termoeléctrica de Felton
  • Osmar Ochoa-Matos Empresa Termoeléctrica de Felton


admission valve, escape valve, microstructure, offspring


The variations microestructurales of a steel micro alloy used in the production of the admission valves and escape of an engine of internal combustion is analyzed, which have suffered transformation due to the work temperature. For this analysis a valve was selected without being exposed to work conditions and valves (one of admission and another of escape) retreat of service that they were cut in different parts like in the head of the valve, the inferior part and superior of the offspring, as well as the centre of the same one. It was determined that it stops 400 oC, temperature of work of the admission valve, transformation of phases it doesn't exist in the steel and although the escape valve should work to 700 oC, it exists transformations in the structure that predicts that, for the deformations in the crystalline net, this temperature is above the 850 oC for the presence of the martensite and the sorbit, with an increment of the hardness of up to 450 HV in the retired offspring of service.


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How to Cite

Mora-Terrero, E., Fernández-Columbié, T., Reyes-Galindo, Y., & Ochoa-Matos, O. (2018). Variations microstructural of a steel exposed micro alloyed to high temperatures. Ciencia & Futuro, 8(3), 45–58. Retrieved from



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