Influence of absences in the process of teaching and learning. Case study in attention to diversity
absences, special school, influence, teaching and learning process.Abstract
This research presents an approach to two students enrolled in a classroom of a Special School of Valencia, with the aim of analyzing the influence of absences in the process of teaching and learning. Methodologically, in a first time, from the quantitative observation and calculation of percentages, it has analyzed the quarterly frequency of faults in each classroom, by looking at the students enrolled in classroom with more registration. In a second time, in relation to the two students increased frequency of absences, have collected a series of data through interviews and record sheets; which they have allowed us to qualitatively analyze these cases. The results point absenteeism high and medium intensity and consequences are conditioned by the difficulty of the students enrolled in the school to internalize and keep learning, the pattern of intervention being more effective teaching and family coordination. In conclusion, we note that the high percentage of absences in a Special School is an obstacle to learning a student who is deprived of a fundamental right: education.Downloads
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