Use of crushed terephalate polyethylene bottle waste as an addition in manufacturing concrete


  • Joaquín R. Cuetara-Ricardo Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana CUJAE


Recycling, terephthalate polyethylene, resistance to compression, total porosity.


The influence of the addition of manually cut terephthalate polyethylene plastic fragments on some concrete properties was analyzed. For this purpose, concretes with different percentages of addition are manufactured and its performance was evaluated from the non-destructive tests (ultrasonic pulse rate and electrical resistivity) and destructive tests (compressive strength and total porosity). For the analysis of the results were using a completely randomized factorial design. On designing the experimental program, the resistance to compression determination was developed between 7 and 28 days, and the total porosity test was conceived at 28 days. Non-destructive tests, electrical resistivity, and ultrasonic pulse velocity, were conceived at the age of 3; 7; 14 and 28 days. The study showed that the addition of up to 1% polyethylene terephthalate during the manufacture of concrete does not influence on its quality, in terms of resistance to compression and porosity.


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Author Biography

Joaquín R. Cuetara-Ricardo, Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana CUJAE

Ingeniería Civil


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How to Cite

Cuetara-Ricardo, J. R. (2018). Use of crushed terephalate polyethylene bottle waste as an addition in manufacturing concrete. Ciencia & Futuro, 8(4), 29–48. Retrieved from



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