Behavior microestructural of founding ич x 28 h2 to use m in body of centrifugal pumps in the mining industry
Microestructural, white iron, oven of inductionAbstract
Does the work have as objective to determine the behaviour of the white foundry of the type ИЧ X 28 H2 to be an employee in the centrifugal production of bomb body for its high hardness before the abrasive waste. He was carried out the foundry process in an induction oven with hearth of high frequency, where the selected load was starting from scrap and levering and three obtained samples of the foundry process were analyzed. In the analysis microstructure it was determined that the present morphologies in the same ones were the carbide eutectic of the type Cr7C3 and the martensit presence, micro constituent’s that present high hardness, as well as the presence of austenita dendrite and retained austenita that infer to the foundry a high resistance to the abrasive waste without being subjected to high crash demands. Was it determined through the profiles of hardness that the same ones are of 645 and 655 HV, these they are among the parameters settled down by the norms ASTM AT 532 and does it characterize the foundry like class 3 type TO and do these established properties allow to outline that the white foundry ИЧ X 28 H2 employee can be in body of centrifugal bombs.Downloads
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