Web application for managing specialized information in Geoscience


  • Arianna De Arma-Hernández Universidad de Moa
  • Luis E. Sablón-Fernández Universidad de Moa


Geoscience, information, GEORED, Web Application, software.


For the information management about the processes carried out in GEORED, a web application was developed which will make possible to obtain the associated information in a more reliable, quick and efficient way. OpenUp agile methodology was used for guiding the software development process and were also used different tools such as: Visual Paradigm as a modeling tool, the development framework Wordpress 4.7, PHP language version 5.6.12, code editor Sublime Text Build 3126 and MySQL as the database manager. The system works on the Windows and Linux operating system, in its different versions, with the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. The PCs from which users access the system are connected through a Xampp server connection. 


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Author Biographies

Arianna De Arma-Hernández, Universidad de Moa

Ingeniería informática

Luis E. Sablón-Fernández, Universidad de Moa

Ingeniería mecánica


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How to Cite

De Arma-Hernández, A., & Sablón-Fernández, L. E. (2019). Web application for managing specialized information in Geoscience. Ciencia & Futuro, 9(2), 106–127. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/1797



Ciencia Universitaria