Regularities of the soils of Río Cauto, San Cristóbal and Santiago de Cuba with evidence of liquefaction


  • Leysa M. Peña-Fernández Universidad de Moa
  • Liuska Fernández-Diéguez Universidad de Moa


Liquefaction, earthquakes, seismic susceptibility.


The engineering-geological conditions of the soils susceptible to liquefaction in the municipalities of Río Cauto, San Cristóbal and Santiago de Cuba were evaluated against earthquakes of great magnitude for future urban and territorial planning and disaster risk reduction. The study was carried out through a system of indicators that summarize the most influential characteristics in the soil response such as: geology, seismicity, water table depth and geological engineer conditions, which were evaluated. The main identified lithologies susceptible to liquefying are: clay gravels (GC) and clay sands (SC), quaternary sediments, mainly of river genesis. Which are characterized by having a low percentage of fines, liquid limit less than 35%, low to moderate compaction and high saturation. The water table values are in the first five meters. The geological engineering conditions between the three sectors analyzed are not coincidental, but they show similarities with respect to the indicators so that a soil is susceptible to liquefaction, which shows that in these areas the phenomenon of liquefaction can occur in the event of an earthquake. 


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How to Cite

Peña-Fernández, L. M., & Fernández-Diéguez, L. (2020). Regularities of the soils of Río Cauto, San Cristóbal and Santiago de Cuba with evidence of liquefaction. Ciencia & Futuro, 10(1), 1–18. Retrieved from



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