Mining project of the Rosita chromium deposit in Camagüey province


  • Salvador C. Simba-Wanga Universidad de Moa


mining exploitation, chrome, mining equipment.


The Rosita chromium deposit exploitation project was developed, which will allow the supply of part of the mineral to increase the economy of the country and the province of Camagüey. The methodology used was based on a study of the deposit, taking into account the hydrogeological characteristics, tectonics, morphology and physical-mechanical properties of the mineral, as well as the reserves that the deposit has. The selection of the mining equipment, the calculation of the productivity as well as the exploitation parameters were carried out. The calculation of the drilling and blasting works, the organization of the calendar plan for their exploitation and the economic valuation of the fundamental activities were made; environmental impact analysis, compliance with occupational health and safety measures for the protection of personnel. The exploitation project is drawn up that will allow the extraction of chromium reserves in a rational and efficient way, considering the characteristics of the available equipment.


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How to Cite

Simba-Wanga, S. C. (2021). Mining project of the Rosita chromium deposit in Camagüey province. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(1), 1–27. Retrieved from



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