Impacts caused by mining activities


  • Gabino Lima-Arteaga Universidad Central del Ecuador


mining, contamination, environmental impact, deforestation.


Mining activities are causes of negative positive effects, however all over the world there are mining jobs as they improve the economy of the areas where the mines are located, many times the devastating consequences that these activities are not taken into account mining may leave, so in this paper we analyze the different impacts caused by mining in its different stages and how they are on the environment, due to changes in the landscape caused by deforestation, as well as changes in the quality of water, soil, air and also the problems that they cause in the people who work in the mines and the people who live in areas close to them; different stages like extraction and processing of minerals also cause serious pollution. However, humanity cannot put aside the activities to obtain the different minerals that are essential raw materials for the development of societies. It is concluded that both open pit mines and underground mines leave negative impacts on the environment, polluting the environment, as well as on the health of the miners and the populations that are close to the area, affecting air quality due to the high concentration of dust and gases from mining that causes workers problems in their health, especially respiratory diseases such as asthma.


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How to Cite

Lima-Arteaga, G. (2021). Impacts caused by mining activities. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(2), 36–51. Retrieved from



Ciencia Universitaria