Valuation of maintenance management in excavation equipment of the Basic Mining Unit


  • Tatiana Montero-Gainza Universidad de Moa
  • José A. Alayo-Llorén Universidad de Moa
  • Clara L. Reynaldo-Argüelles Universidad de Moa
  • María I. García-de la Cruz Empresa Ernesto Che Guevara


Excavation, maintenance, administration, availability, costs


The maintenance management of the extraction equipment of the Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara company was evaluated. This research allowed to know the reality of said institution, from the calculation of the most important maintenance management indicators. In addition, measures were established to improve the performance of these indicators, in order to achieve better management in the company. It is determined that the availability of the equipment each year decreases and that when the maintenance is carried out, the hours foreseen for the preventive are not met, and the higher costs are incurred in the corrective, which significantly influences maintenance costs.


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How to Cite

Montero-Gainza, T., Alayo-Llorén, J. A., Reynaldo-Argüelles, C. L., & García-de la Cruz, M. I. (2021). Valuation of maintenance management in excavation equipment of the Basic Mining Unit. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(2), 69–86. Retrieved from



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