Educational strategy to favor the extension process at the University of Moa


  • Iroidis Rodríguez-Mora Universidad de Moa


university extension, artistic education, educational strategy.


An educational strategy was designed to favor the extension process through artistic education at the University of Moa due to the need to solve the shortcomings related to the extension process and the practice of artistic education, which affects the community university. This is based on the theoretical, historical and methodological conceptions that support the process of cultural formation of the university community at the University of Moa. The proposed educational strategy responds to the needs diagnosed on artistic education at the University of Moa, the relationship with the rest of the subjects and its projection towards the intra and extra-university community.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Mora, I. (2021). Educational strategy to favor the extension process at the University of Moa. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(3), 101–118. Retrieved from