Weld cracking of a chain link made of refractory steel HK-40


  • João Afonso-Chipepe Universidad de Moa
  • Tomás Fernández-Columbié Universidad de Moa
  • Isnel Rodríguez-González Universidad de Moa
  • Efraín Guzmán-Romero Universidad de Moa


Keywords, cracking, ferrite-?, decarburization, refractory, hardness


The phenomenon of cracking that originates in a refractory stainless steel of the HK-40 type used in the manufacture of a chain link was determined, a defect that is generated when exposed to the thermal cycle of welding with a 4 mm UTP 65 electrode . Edge preparation was carried out butt with a 60o bevel, samples were cut for hardness tests, chemical composition and observation with light microscopy. The molten zone, the interface and the heat affected zone were analyzed, obtaining structures of austenite, ferrite, δ-ferrite and carbides, as well as decarburized zone as consequences of the high temperatures to which the alloy is exposed. The hardness from an initial value of 270 HV in the raw material as cast, increases to 670,2 HV in the molten zone, caused by the formation of the sigma phase and the decrease in toughness and elongation. 


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Author Biography

Efraín Guzmán-Romero, Universidad de Moa


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How to Cite

Afonso-Chipepe, J., Fernández-Columbié, T., Rodríguez-González, I., & Guzmán-Romero, E. (2021). Weld cracking of a chain link made of refractory steel HK-40. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(4), 53–67. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2107



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