System of activities for the development of reading comprehension in the agricultural engineering career of the Frank País municipal university center


  • Mabel Fonseca-Cruz Centro Universitario Municipal Frank País
  • Mirtha Oliveros-Herrera Universidad de Moa


reading ability, reading comprehension, foreign language, learning


 A system of activities was designed for the development of reading comprehension of English for professional purposes in students of the Agricultural Engineering career of the Frank País Municipal University Center. This system was based on the content of a unit of the basic text "At your Pace III" and the selection of a reading related to the specialty to interpret it at the levels: literal, inferential and evaluative critical. 12 students of the career were selected, 10 professors, with 30, 10 and 5 years of experience and 8 specialists from the UEB with 5 and 12 years practicing the profession. In the diagnosis phase, weaknesses in the development of reading comprehension were determined and that 67 % of the questions asked show that it is necessary to deepen the methodological treatment of the subject with low levels of performance.


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How to Cite

Fonseca-Cruz, M., & Oliveros-Herrera, M. (2021). System of activities for the development of reading comprehension in the agricultural engineering career of the Frank País municipal university center. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(4), 98–111. Retrieved from

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