Quality management in university processes


  • Yuneysy Bell-Batista Universidad de Moa
  • Josefa Mestre-Lamorú Universidad de Moa


universidad cubana, gestión de la calidad, procesos universitarios, educación superior.


Alternatives that demonstrate the need to contribute from different angles to the quality management of university processes were analyzed. Historical logic, synthesis and hypothetical deductive analysis were used as theoretical methods, and direct observation and document review as empirical methods. The development of the research showed as main results that universities must increase their visibility and experience new transformations that allow them to show results, which from proper management affect the strengthening of their social responsibility and the training of more prepared and highly competitive professionals. ; and that the implementation of methodologies and strategies in university processes makes it possible to evaluate the reliability and level of integration of the processes, allowing the results to be measured in an integrated way; favoring effective decision-making in the short, medium and long term and the evaluation of the performance of the processes that are developed in the universities. 


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How to Cite

Bell-Batista, Y., & Mestre-Lamorú, J. (2022). Quality management in university processes. Ciencia & Futuro, 12(4), 522–535. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2222

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