Alternative application of the method of the moment in the air gap for the evaluation of the efficiency of the induction motor


  • Gabriela Romero-Reyes Universidad de Moa
  • Ignacio Romero-Rueda Universidad de Moa


Harmonic and imbalance, method of the moment in the air gap, induction motor efficiency.


The efficiency of the induction motor was determined by the method of the moment in the air gap with specification of harmonics and unbalance in the electrical source, which constitutes a correction of the method that appears in the literature. An induction motor is replaced by a set of motors of different frequencies and sequences, connected to a common axis; the voltage and current waves are broken down into harmonics and in triphasic sequence systems, which make it possible to use the analytical equations to calculate the flux in the expression of the air-gap moment method and dispense with the numerical integration, necessary in the classical method. It resulted in an average error of 0.47 % in the estimated efficiency by the proposed route, with respect to the value obtained experimentally, against 0.85 % resulting from applying the method in its classical form; It was also demonstrated greater precision in the results against different levels of imbalance and harmonics in the electrical supply, by keeping the output power constant for the pollution values experienced. The variant of the moment in the air gap method with Fourier harmonic decay corrections and Fortescue transformations for unbalance is effective in determining the efficiency of induction motors with a power supply contaminated by harmonics and unbalance.


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How to Cite

Romero-Reyes, G., & Romero-Rueda, I. (2022). Alternative application of the method of the moment in the air gap for the evaluation of the efficiency of the induction motor. Ciencia & Futuro, 12(4), 459–473. Retrieved from



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