Marketing plan for the promotion of library services of the Technical Scientific Information Center of the University of Moa


  • Yanet Román-Fernández Universidad de Moa


University of Moa, information resource, University library, management of library services, marketing plan


 A marketing plan was designed, in order to achieve higher quality services and a more profitable and effective use of information resources by users of the Technical Scientific Information Center of the University of Moa. For the research, the Kotler (2001) methodology was used and theoretical and empirical order methods were used. As a result, the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities are shown according to the analysis of the Matrix (DAFO), which allows drawing up strategies to obtain higher quality in services and use of information resources by users in the Technical Scientific Information Center from Moa University. 


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How to Cite

Román-Fernández, Y. (2023). Marketing plan for the promotion of library services of the Technical Scientific Information Center of the University of Moa. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(1), 71–86. Retrieved from


