System of actions to promote the proper use of information and communication technologies at the University of Moa


  • Kennis Martínez-González Universidad de Moa


information and communication technologies, Institutional Repository, subversion, unconventional warfare.


A system of actions was developed for the proper use of information and communication technologies from the subject of Preparation for defense. The methods used in the investigation were the analysis of sources, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction that allowed to determine the insufficiencies regarding the subject, by evaluating the results of the applied research instruments, from the qualitative and quantitative from the individual to the general. 


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How to Cite

Martínez-González, K. (2023). System of actions to promote the proper use of information and communication technologies at the University of Moa. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(1), 100–112. Retrieved from


